Pick your apparel. We have a huge selection of styles, colors and sizes to choose from. You can choose to offer as few or as many of our options for your organization. We'll walk through all the apparel options and work together to choose the perfect mix of items for your organization and community.
Send us your logos and designs. You can place as many of your designs and logos on as many of our apparel options as you'd like. It's entirely up to you. And, if you'd like, we can leverage our extensive experience to help you decide the best logo and design choices.
Your organization's page goes live. We'll host a custom, dedicated collection of pages on the First Apparel website with your own custom shortened link (e.g. Just as you'd expect in any other online shopping experience, your organization's pages will be optimized for both desktop and mobile shopping experiences.
Market your organization page. Send all your parents, students, relatives, boosters and staff the dedicated link to your organization's page for all their apparel needs. 24/7. 365 days a year. We'll help by providing easy marketing and email templates, direct links and more so that your community knows exactly how this all works.
The magic happens. We will produce and ship each order, separately, within days - just like any other e-commerce site. No matter how few or how many. And we do it all here from our fulfillment facility in Minneapolis, MN.
Boom. Mailbox money. Every quarter we will send you a check with your share of the proceeds. And that's it. No inventory to buy, hold and store. No extras from last year. No abundance of a size or design no one wanted. No stressful relationship with the old school apparel company in town that only lets you order twice a year. Easy peasy; truly "mailbox money."